Merhaba arkadaslar; Surekli yazilim gelistiren biri iseniz.GNU derleyicisinin derleme sirasinda hatalari ayni renkte vermesi gozlerimizi biraz yormakta en azindan bende oyle.
Biraz renklendirerek gozu yormayan ve hos gelen bir goruntu elde edebiliriz.
Yazilimizin adi colorgcc Yukleme tahlimatlari;
Arch linux
sudo pacman -S colorgcc
Truva ve slackware olmamakla beraber)
sudo apt-get install colorgcc
Path tanimi
export PATH="/usr/lib/colorgcc/bin:$PATH"
export CCACHE_PATH="/usr/bin"
.colorgccrc ayar dosyamizin icerigi
# colorgcc configuration file
# $Id: colorgccrc,v 1999/04/25 15:24:03 jamoyers Exp $
# This file should be named $HOME/.colorgccrc
# The following groups of attributes may be combined for a given color:
# clear black on_black
# reset red on_red
# bold green on_green
# underline yellow on_yellow
# underscore blue on_blue
# blink magenta on_magenta
# reverse cyan on_cyan
# concealed white on_white
# For example, srcColor: bold cyan on_yellow
# gccVersion: if defined, append "-" to the compiler paths
# defined hereunder. Otherwise, those paths remains as is set
# gccVersion: 4.1.1
# Define the paths to the actual location of the various compilers.
# (Currently, colorgcc only understands these: g++ gcc c++ cc g77 f77 gcj)
g++: /usr/bin/g++
gcc: /usr/bin/gcc
c++: /usr/bin/g++
cc: /usr/bin/gcc
#g77: /usr/bin/g77
#f77: /usr/bin/g77
#gcj: /usr/bin/gcj
# Don't do color if our terminal type ($TERM) is one of these.
# (List all terminal types on one line, seperated by whitespace.)
nocolor: dumb emacs
# Text between ` and ' is usually source code.
srcColor: bold green
# Text other than a warning or error.
introColor: reset
# Warnings and errors both have similar formats:
# filename:999:Message
# Each field may be assigned a different color.
# Warnings
warningFileNameColor: reset
warningNumberColor: white
warningMessageColor: yellow
# Errors
errorFileNameColor: reset
errorNumberColor: white
errorMessageColor: bold red
# Possible translations, if you use localized compiler.
# (List all translations on one line, seperated by whitespace.)
Son olarak resim;
Not=Kurulum ve yapilandirma arch linux ile test edilmistir.