Gönderen Konu: 5-7 Şubat Akademik Bilişim Konferansı  (Okunma sayısı 6227 defa)

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5-7 Şubat Akademik Bilişim Konferansı
« : 16 Aralık 2013, 07:37:12 ös »

Bu yıl 16.sı yapılacak olan Akademik Bilişim Konferansı, 5-7 Şubat 2014′te Mersin Üniversitesi’nde yapılacak. Herkese açık ve ücretsiz olan konferansa katılmak isteyenlerin ab2014.mersin.edu.tr adresinden kayıt olmaları rica ediliyor. Akademik Bilişim Konferansı öncesinde 1-4 Şubatta Mersin Üniversitesi’nde  tam 17 kurs var. PostgreSQL 1 ve 2. seviye, Android A ve B kardeş sınıfları (talebe göre yeni sınıflar da açılabilecek) söz konusu. Kurslar herkese açık ve ücretsiz. Kurslar hakkında detaylı bilgi ab.org.tr adresinden edinilebilir. KYK  yurtlarında kalabilecek olan kursiyerlerin kendi bilgisayarlarını getirmeleri, ve genel olarak, bir linux dağıtımını kurmuş olarak gelmeleri bekleniyor.

AB 2014 Akademik Bilişim Konferansı öncesinde ve konferans sırasında yürütülecek seminerler ve kurslar için şu dosyayı inceleyebilirsiniz.

May 5-7 Future Learning 2014

December 15, 2013 : Submission deadline for full papers
February 2, 2014 : Announcement of accepted papers

Learning, which originates in a desire for knowledge, has always been fundamental in the shaping of social life. It has lost nothing of its importance with developments in technology. Under the influence of Information Technology (IT), learning has acquired new dimensions, discussed quite regularly on many levels. The aim of this conference is to discuss future innovations in the field of learning. The conference will encourage a debate on strategies for the development of the most effective methods, techniques, and technologies that will serve humankind in the lifelong learning process.
Human beings are, after all, centrally involved in learning, and its fundamental “raison d’être”. This year, to be different from other years, the special theme of the conference “Distance Education and Practices in Health Sector” has been selected. “E-learning”, which in itself is an innovation, promises to acquire even greater importance in the future. We are therefore calling for contributions (research papers* and posters) focusing on “e-learning”, and examining the following issues through original research and exploration.

Special Conference Topics
- Health literacy
- Lifelong medical education
- Medical representative training
- Patient training

Conference Topics
- Institutional strategies, policies, standarts, accreditation and legislation for e-learning
- New technologies for e-learning
- Content Design for e-Learning
- Sociological and psychological dimensions of e-Learning
- Learning with online games
- Testing and Evaluation of e-Learning Systems
- e-Learning Strategies for Moderation and Assesment
- Virtual Class Applications
- Security Problems and Solutions in e-Learning
- E-government and e-learning
- Distance Learning in Higher Education Institutions
- Mobile Learning
- Social Media and e-Learning
- Massive online open courses
- Mining big data
- Cloud based systems
- Gamification
- Disadvantaged groups

Invited Speakers
To be announced.

Other Conference Activities
- Panels
- Workshops
- Social and Cultural Program

Important Dates
December 15, 2013 : Submission deadline for full papers
February 2, 2014 : Announcement of accepted papers
May 5-7, 2014 : Conference

Also being applied to real-life examples and problems of e-learning will be discussed with practical applications in the conference.

